Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Stanza 52

Original Old Norse:
Mikit eitt
skala manni gefa
opt kaupir sér í lítlu lof
með hálfum hleifi
ok með höllu keri
fekk ek mér félaga

Auden & Taylor:
A kind word need not cost much,
The price of praise can be cheap:
With half a loaf and an empty cup
I found myself a friend,

No great thing needs | a man to give,
Oft little will purchase praise;
With half a loaf | and a half-filled cup
A friend full fast I made.

Not great things alone must one give to another, 
praise oft is earned for nought;
with half a loaf and a tilted bowl 
I have found me many a friend.

Give not great gifts.
You can win praise with little.
Half a loaf and half a cup
won me fellowship.

Not great thigns needs give to a man:
bringeth thanks oft a little thing.
with half a loaf and a half-drained cup
I won me oft worthy friend.

You don't have to give large gifts always,
small things often suffice;
half a loaf and a lifted goblet
have found me friends.

Something great
is not (always) to be given,
praise is often for a trifle bought.
With half a loaf
and a tilted vessel
I got myself a comrade.

This is a lesson I am currently trying to teach my son. Davi is constantly trying to buy peoples love with big gifts and (relatively) expensive things. He is 11.

We try to impress people and give big gifts, when all to often this is very much not needed. "Half a loaf of bread and an offered glass". At my house, when we have guests over it is typically for a DnD game or a BBQ. If you want to show you are my friend bring a bottle of drink (whiskey for me, gin for the wife, or soda for the kids), bring hot dog buns, bring a side salad.. stand with me and talk while I tend the fire for the charring of the meats.

Personally, receiving big gifts is difficult for me. It makes me uncomfortable.

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