Saturday, May 12, 2018

Stanza 85

Original Old Norse: Auden & Taylor: Bellows: Bray:
Brestanda boga
brennanda loga
gínanda úlfi
galandi kráku
rýtanda svíni
rótlausum viði
vaxanda vági
vellanda katli
A snapping bow, a burning flame,
A grinning wolf, a grunting boar,
A raucous crow, a rootless tree,
A breaking wave, a boiling kettle,
In a breaking bow | or a burning flame,
A ravening wolf | or a croaking raven,
In a grunting boar, | a tree with roots broken,
In billowy seas | or a bubbling kettle,
flying arrows, or falling billow,
ice of a nighttime, coiling adder,
woman's bed-talk, or broken blade,
play of bears or a prince's child,
Chisholm: Hollander: Terry: Thorpe:
A brittle bow, a burning fire,
a grinning wolf, a singing crow,
a grunting boar, a rootless tree,
a swelling wave, a boiling kettle,
A brittle bow, a burning fire,
a gaping wolf, a grunting sow,
a croaking crow, a kettle boiling,
a rising sea, a rootless tree
A creaking bow, a burning flame,
a yawning wolf, a crow crying,
squealing swine, a rootless tree,
billows rising, a kettle boiling,
in a creaking bow,
a burning flame,
a yawning wolf,
a chattering crow,
a grunting swine,
a rootless tree,
a waxing wave,
a boiling kettle,

Bellow's Note: 85. Stanzas 85-88 and go are in Fornyrthislag, and clearly come from a different source from the rest of the Havamal.

Stanzas 85-88 are a pretty comprehensive list of things not to be trusted in life. All are things that may harm you.

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